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Copertina di: Eating and drinking habits and cultural identity (II) : Seminar

Eating and drinking habits and cultural identity (II) : Seminar "Gastronomic heritage of Vietnam"...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Eating and drinking habits and cultural identity (II) : Seminar "Gastronomic heritage of Vietnam" : Hanoi 23-24 September 1997 : Under direction of J.P. Poulain. - Hanoi : Xunhasaba [distributore!, 1997. - 251 p. ; 19 cm. ((numero speciale di Vietnamese Studies ; sul front.: this issue has been completed with the assistance of the French Embassy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: TO01686568




Anno: 1997

Editore: Xunhasaba [distributore!

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