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Copertina di: 630: Soil, field crop, pasture, and vegetable-crop management for Erie county, New York

630: Soil, field crop, pasture, and vegetable-crop management for Erie county, New York

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630: Soil, field crop, pasture, and vegetable-crop management for Erie county, New York / 1.: Soils and field crops, by A. F. Gustafson ; 2.: Pastures, by D. B. Johnstone-Wallace ; 3.: Vegetable crops, by F. O. Onderwood ; 4.: Soil map and soil type descriptions, by C. S. Pearson, F. B. Howe, and A. F. Gustafson. - Ithaca : Cornell university, 1935. - 120 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. ((Descrizione basata sulla cop. in mancanza del front.

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BID: TO00599156




Anno: 1935

Editore: Cornell university


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