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Copertina di: Important old master paintings : Friday 24 January 2003, New York : property from the collection of the late Dr. Rudolf Berl, the Dayton Art Institute to benefit the acquisitions fund, the estate of the Honorable Murtogh Guinness ...

Important old master paintings : Friday 24 January 2003, New York : property from the collection...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Important old master paintings : Friday 24 January 2003, New York : property from the collection of the late Dr. Rudolf Berl, the Dayton Art Institute to benefit the acquisitions fund, the estate of the Honorable Murtogh Guinness ... / Christie's. - [New York : Christie's, 2003?]. - 282 p. di cui 18 ripiegate : ill. ; 27 cm. ((Catalogo di vendita. - Sul front.: Auction code BLIVVET-1194.

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monografia | Testo

BID: VEA0148174




Anno: 2003

Editore: Christie's


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