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Copertina di: On the road again, l' Europe en Mouvement : Medieval Europe, Paris 2007 : 4.th International Congress of Medieval and Modern Archaeology, Paris (France) 3-8 Septembre 2007, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art

On the road again, l' Europe en Mouvement : Medieval Europe, Paris 2007 : 4.th International...

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Descrizione bibliografica

On the road again, l'Europe en Mouvement : Medieval Europe, Paris 2007 : 4.th International Congress of Medieval and Modern Archaeology, Paris (France) 3-8 Septembre 2007, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art / [editors: Isabelle Catteddu, Paolo De Vingo, Anne Nissen Jaubert]. - Genova : De Ferrari, 2011. - 315 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. ((Secondo Complemento del titolo anche in francese e tedesco

Altre informazioniinfo

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 9788864052571 BID: UTO1137052




Anno: 2011

Editore: De Ferrari


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