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Copertina di: 19th-century America: furniture and other decorative arts : an exhibition in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, April 16 through September 7, 1970

19th-century America: furniture and other decorative arts : an exhibition in celebration of the...

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19th-century America: furniture and other decorative arts : an exhibition in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, April 16 through September 7, 1970. - [New York] : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; distributed by New York Graphic Society, [1970]. - 1 volume : ill. ; 27 cm. ((Catalogo della Mostra tenuta a New York.

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  • Nineteenth century America. | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (USM1940398)

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0870990047 BID: USM1940393




Anno: 1970

Editore: Metropolitan Museum of Art ; distributed by New York Graphic Society


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