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Copertina di: 2: No. 1 Special Force and Italian Resistance : Proceedings of the Conference held at Bologna, 28-30 April 1987, under the auspices of the University of Bologna, as part of the celebrations of the IXth Centenary ..

2: No. 1 Special Force and Italian Resistance : Proceedings of the Conference held at Bologna,...

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Descrizione bibliografica

2: No. 1 Special Force and Italian Resistance : Proceedings of the Conference held at Bologna, 28-30 April 1987, under the auspices of the University of Bologna, as part of the celebrations of the IXth Centenary ... - Bologna : Clueb, 1990/. - VIII, 364 p. ; 22 cm. ((In testa al front.: Federazione Italiana Associazioni Partigiane (FIAP), Special Forces Club. - Parti del testo in lingua italiana

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: UBO0113183




Anno: 1990

Editore: Clueb

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