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Copertina di: The loves of the angels, a poem. By Thomas Moore

The loves of the angels, a poem. By Thomas Moore

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Descrizione bibliografica

The loves of the angels, a poem. By Thomas Moore. - Paris : published by A. and W. Galignani, ... nº. 18, rue Vivienne, 1823 (Paris : printed by A. Belin, nº 14 rue des Mathurins, St. Jacques). - [4!, 119, [1! p. ; 19 cm. ((Segn.: [π!² 1-5/¹².

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BID: TO0E074675




Anno: 1823

Editore: published by A. and W. Galignani

Impronta: S.HE e*ne s,ed UnFu (3) 1823 (A)

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