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Copertina di: Greece vindicated; in two letters, by count Alerino Palma; to which are added by the same author, Critical remarks on the works recently published on the same subject, by messrs. Bulwer [et al.!

Greece vindicated; in two letters, by count Alerino Palma; to which are added by the same author,...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Greece vindicated; in two letters, by count Alerino Palma; to which are added by the same author, Critical remarks on the works recently published on the same subject, by messrs. Bulwer [et al.!. - London : printed for the author and sold by James Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, 1826 (London : printed by Charles Wood). - IX, [3!, 293, [1! p. ; 23 cm.

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BID: TO0E007954




Anno: 1826

Editore: printed for the author and sold by James Ridgway

Impronta: R.BY 7965 e.re weAn (3) 1826 (A)

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