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The Washington concerts

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Descrizione bibliografica

The Washington concerts / Charlie Parker with quartet and the orchestra. - [New York] : Blue Note records, [2001]. - 1 compact disc (ca. 65 min., 35 min.) : stereo ; 12 cm. ((Tit. del contenitore. - Allegato fasc. - Contiene: Fine and dandy, These foolish things, Light green, Thou swell, Wills, Don't blame me, Something to remember you by/blue room, Roundhouse, Ornithology, Out of nowhere, Cool blues, Anthropology, Scrapple from the apple, Medley: out of nowhere/now's the time, Red Rodney interview.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: TO01607445




Anno: 2001

Editore: Blue Note records

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