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Copertina di: Osteology and functional morphology of the osteolepiform fish Gogonasus andrewsae Long, 1985, from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation, Western Australia

Osteology and functional morphology of the osteolepiform fish Gogonasus andrewsae Long, 1985,...

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Osteology and functional morphology of the osteolepiform fish Gogonasus andrewsae Long, 1985, from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation, Western Australia / J. A. Long, R. E. Barwick and K. S. W. Campbell. - Perth : Western Australian Museum, 1997. - 89 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.

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ISBN: 0730987949 BID: TO01335622




Anno: 1997

Editore: Western Australian Museum


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