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Copertina di: The Art of French cooking : sumptuous recipes and menus from the heart of the incomparable French cuisine, 3760 recipes and instructions for masterpieces cookery

The Art of French cooking : sumptuous recipes and menus from the heart of the incomparable French...

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Descrizione bibliografica

The Art of French cooking : sumptuous recipes and menus from the heart of the incomparable French cuisine, 3760 recipes and instructions for masterpieces cookery / created by the Great Chefs of France, including Ph. Gilbert ... [et al.!. ; translated by Joseph Faulkner ; edited by Bart Winer. - Rev. ed. - New York : Golden Press, 1962. - 863 p., [100! p. di tav. ; 27 cm.

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  • L' Art culinaire français. | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (TO01332909)

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BID: TO01332902




Anno: 1962

Editore: Golden Press


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