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Copertina di: Clonal growth and fragmentation in the alpine tussock-forming grass Poa alpina : a dissertation submitted to the Swiss federal institute of technology Zurich for the degree of doctor of natural sciences

Clonal growth and fragmentation in the alpine tussock-forming grass Poa alpina : a dissertation...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Clonal growth and fragmentation in the alpine tussock-forming grass Poa alpina : a dissertation submitted to the Swiss federal institute of technology Zurich for the degree of doctor of natural sciences / presented by Thomas Wilhalm. - [S.l. : s.e.], 1996. - 126 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (( Testo in inglese con prefazione e sommario in tedesco

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BID: TO01061302




Anno: 1996

Editore: s.e.]


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