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Copertina di: Elements of general history ancient and modern. To wich are added a table of chronology, and a comparative view of ancient and modern geography. Volume one [-two]

Elements of general history ancient and modern. To wich are added a table of chronology, and a...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Elements of general history ancient and modern. To wich are added a table of chronology, and a comparative view of ancient and modern geography. Volume one [-two] / [Alexander Fraser Tytler]. - The seventh editioncorrected and improved. - London : printed for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, Strand ; Edinburgh : and A. Constable and co. And J. Fairbairn, 1818 (London : printed by A. Strahan, Printers-street). - 2 volumi ; 8°. ((Nome dell'autore nella prefazione alla 1. edizione. - L'indicazione di edizione precede quella di partizione. - Corsivo, romano

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  • Vol. 2 | Titolo non significativo

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monografia | Testo

BID: TA1E000285




Anno: 1818

Editore: printed for T. Cadell

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