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Copertina di: Problems of conservation in museums : a selection of papers presented to the joint meeting of the ICOM Committee for museum laboratories and the ICOM Committee for the care of paintings, held in Washington and New York, from September 17 to 25, 1965

Problems of conservation in museums : a selection of papers presented to the joint meeting of the...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Problems of conservation in museums : a selection of papers presented to the joint meeting of the ICOM Committee for museum laboratories and the ICOM Committee for the care of paintings, held in Washington and New York, from September 17 to 25, 1965 / ICOM (International Council of Museums). - Paris : Éditions Eyrolles ; London : Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1969. - 223 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. ((In testa al frontespizio: Centre international d'études pour la conservation des biens culturels et Comité de l'ICOM pour les laboratoires de Musée

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  • Problèmes de conservation dans les musées . | titolo parallelo (SBL0198222)

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monografia | Testo

BID: SBL0693031




Anno: 1969

Editore: Allen & Unwin Ltd

Collana: Travaux et publications; 8


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