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Copertina di: Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the Western Kṣatrapas, the Traikūṭaka dynasty and the

Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the Western Kṣatrapas, the Traikūṭaka dynasty and...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the Western Kṣatrapas, the Traikūṭaka dynasty and the "Bodhi" dynasty / by Edward James Rapson. - Rist.anast. - London : published by the Trustees of the British museum, 1967. - CCVIII, 268 p., 21 c. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. ((Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: [London : printed by order of the Trustees!, 1908. - Nell'occhietto e sul dorso: A catalogue of the Indian coins in the British museum.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: SBL0687874




Anno: 1967

Editore: published by the Trustees of the British museum

Collana: Catalogue of the Indian coins in the British Museum;


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