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Copertina di: 12: [ Robert Craft conducts under the supervision of Igor Stravinsky] : Song of the Nightingale ; Danses concertantes ; Epitaphium ; Double Canon ; Abraham and Isaac ; Variations ; Requiem Canticles

12: [ Robert Craft conducts under the supervision of Igor Stravinsky] : Song of the Nightingale ;...

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Descrizione bibliografica

12: [Robert Craft conducts under the supervision of Igor Stravinsky] : Song of the Nightingale ; Danses concertantes ; Epitaphium ; Double Canon ; Abraham and Isaac ; Variations ; Requiem Canticles / Igor Stravinsky ; Columbia Chamber Orchestra ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Craft [conductor under the supervision of Igor Stravinsky]. - [S.l.] : Sony classical, p1991. - 1 compact disc (68 min 53 s) : ADD ; 12 cm + 1 fascicolo programma (23 p.). ((Primo titolo dal contenitore.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: REA0047610




Anno: 1991

Editore: Sony classical

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