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Copertina di: An account of the manners and customs of Italy; with observations on the mistakes of some travellers, with regard to that country, by Joseph Baretti.

An account of the manners and customs of Italy; with observations on the mistakes of some...

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Descrizione bibliografica

An account of the manners and customs of Italy; with observations on the mistakes of some travellers, with regard to that country, by Joseph Baretti. - The second edition, corrected, with notes and an appendix added, in answer to Samuel Sharp. - London : printed for T. Davies in Russel-street, Covent-Garden and L. Davis in Holborn, 1769. - 2 v. ; 8o.

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monografia | Testo

BID: MILE002965




Anno: 1769

Editore: printed for T. Davies in Russel street

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