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Copertina di: The roots of use-wear analysis : selected papers of S. A. Semenov : published in the occasion of the Congress Prehistoric technology 40 years later: functional studies and the Russian legacy, Verona, 20-23 april 2005

The roots of use-wear analysis : selected papers of S. A. Semenov : published in the occasion of...

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Descrizione bibliografica

The roots of use-wear analysis : selected papers of S. A. Semenov : published in the occasion of the Congress Prehistoric technology 40 years later: functional studies and the Russian legacy, Verona, 20-23 april 2005 / editors Laura Longo and Natalia Skakun ; with the assistance of Patricia C. Anderson and Hugues Plisson. - Verona : Museo civico di storia naturale, 2005. - 141 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. ((In testa al front.: Museo civico di storia naturale, Verona.

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 8889230053 BID: LO11045856




Anno: 2005

Editore: Museo civico di storia naturale

Collana: Memorie del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona. 2. serie. Sezione Scienze dell'uomo; 7


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