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Copertina di: Variations on an original theme for orchestra op. 36 Enigma-Variations ; Pomp and circumstance op. 39 ; The crown of India

Variations on an original theme for orchestra op. 36 Enigma-Variations ; Pomp and circumstance...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Variations on an original theme for orchestra op. 36 Enigma-Variations ; Pomp and circumstance op. 39 ; The crown of India / Edward Elgar ; BBC Symphony Orcherstra ; Leonard Bernstein [dir.!. - Hamburg : Deutsche Grammophon, ℗1982. - 1 compact disc (ca. 50 min.) : DDD, stero ; 12 cm. ((Compl. dei tit. anche in ted. e franc. - Incluso fasc. programma in ingl., ted., franc., ital. - NE: Polydor 413 490-2.

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  • Variations on an original theme for orchestra op. 36 Enigma-Variations. | titolo subordinato (LO10748420)
  • Pomp and circumstance op. 39. | titolo subordinato (LO10748422)
  • The crown of India. | titolo subordinato (LO10748426)

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: LO10748412




Anno: 1982

Editore: Deutsche Grammophon

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