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Copertina di: Vol. 4: Pt. 1, The fossil flora of the south Rewah Gondwana basin ; Pt. 2, The fossil flora of some of the Coalfields in Western Bengal

Vol. 4: Pt. 1, The fossil flora of the south Rewah Gondwana basin ; Pt. 2, The fossil flora of...

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Vol. 4: Pt. 1, The fossil flora of the south Rewah Gondwana basin ; Pt. 2, The fossil flora of some of the Coalfields in Western Bengal / Ottokar Feistmantel. - 1886. - XXV, 71 p., 70! c. di tav. : ill.

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monografia | Testo

BID: GEA0034046



Paese: INDIA

Anno: 1886


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