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Copertina di: Vol. 1: Pt. 1, Fossil flora of the Rajmahal series in the Rajmahal Hills

Vol. 1: Pt. 1, Fossil flora of the Rajmahal series in the Rajmahal Hills

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Vol. 1: Pt. 1, Fossil flora of the Rajmahal series in the Rajmahal Hills / T. Oldham, J. Morris . Pt. 2, Jurassic (Liassic) flora of the Rajmahal group in the Rajmahal Hills ; Pt. 3, Jurassic (Liassic) flora of the Rajmahal group from Golapili, near Ellore, south Godavari ; Upper Gondwana flora of the outliers on the Madras coast / Ottokar Feistmantel. - 1880. - XX, 233 p., 144! c. di tav. : ill.

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BID: GEA0034043



Paese: INDIA

Anno: 1880


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