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Palaeozoic and mesozoic fossils from Yun-Nan

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Descrizione bibliografica

Palaeozoic and mesozoic fossils from Yun-Nan / by F.R. Cowper Reed. The Mollusca of the Ranikot series (together with some species from the Cardita Beaumonti beds) / by M. Cossmann and G. Pissarro, revised by the late E. Vredenburg, with an introduction by G. de P. Cotter. Les couches a Cardita Beaumonti / par Henri Douville. A supplement to the Mollusca of the Ranikot series / by E. W. Vredenburg. - Calcutta : Government of India central publication branch, 1927-29. - [477! p., [44! c. di tav. : ill. ; 36 c. ((Paginazione varia

Legami con altri titoliinfo

Appartiene a...

  • Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Palaeontologia Indica | periodico
  • The Mollusca of the Ranikot series (together with some species from the Cardita Beaumonti beds) | titolo subordinato (TO01824536)
  • Les couches a Cardita Beaumonti | titolo subordinato (TO01824538)
  • A supplement to the Mollusca of the Ranikot series | titolo subordinato (TO01824539)

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: GEA0031600



Paese: INDIA

Anno: 1927

Editore: Government of India central publication branch


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