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Copertina di: A relic of the Italian revolution of 1849 : album of fifty line engravings, executed on copper, by the most eminent artists at Rome in 1849 ...

A relic of the Italian revolution of 1849 : album of fifty line engravings, executed on copper,...

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Descrizione bibliografica

A relic of the Italian revolution of 1849 : album of fifty line engravings, executed on copper, by the most eminent artists at Rome in 1849 ... / by G. Daelli. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2011 (Aversa : Grafica Nappa). - 29 p., [59] carte di tav. : ill. ; 25x32 cm. ((Riproduzione anastatica dell'ed.: New Orleans : at Gabicis Music Stores, 1853. - In custodia. - Ed. di 220 esemplari a cura della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

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monografia | Testo

BID: CFI0793304




Anno: 2011

Editore: s. n.]


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