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Copertina di: The works of William Paley, D.D. With additional sermons, etc. etc. and a corrected account of the life and writings of the author by the rev. Edmund Paley.

The works of William Paley, D.D. With additional sermons, etc. etc. and a corrected account of...

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Descrizione bibliografica

The works of William Paley, D.D. With additional sermons, etc. etc. and a corrected account of the life and writings of the author by the rev. Edmund Paley. - New ed. - London : printed for C. and J. Rivington ... [etc.], 1825 (London : printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars). - 7 volumi ; 22 cm

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BID: TO0E168864




Anno: 1825

Editore: printed for C. and J. Rivington ... [etc.]

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