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Copertina di: A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and the baronetage of the British Empire exhibiting ... the present state of those exalted personages ... with an appendix comprising the prelates, surnames of peers ... by John Burke, esq.

A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and the baronetage of the British Empire...

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Descrizione bibliografica

A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and the baronetage of the British Empire exhibiting ... the present state of those exalted personages ... with an appendix comprising the prelates, surnames of peers ... by John Burke, esq. - A new and enlarged edition. - London : Henry Colburn, New Burlington street (London : printed by D.S. Maurice, Fenchurch street), 1828. - xxx, 724 p., [2! c. di tav., [2!, 91, [1! p. di tav. : ill. ; 20 cm. ((Stemma inglese sul front. - Contiene 91 p. di tav. con stemmi precedute da un proprio frontespizio illustrato datato 1827. - Segn.: [a!4 b-c⁴ d⁴(-d⁴) B-4Y⁴ 4Z².

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monografia | Testo

BID: TO0E067114




Anno: 1828

Editore: Henry Colburn

Impronta: E.T, ."in l,r, loAL (3) 1828 (R)

Dove lo trovi


    Collocazione: B.1.9 Solo consultazione

    Inventario: SM-1564

    Precisazione inventario: Legatura coeva in mezza pelle. - Dorso con fregi impressi in oro. - Sul contropiatto ant.: ex libris.

    Fruibilità: Solo Consultazione

    Consistenza: 1 es.

    Provenienza: Vittorio Emanuele <re d'Italia ; 2.>, Nota: ex libris