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Copertina di: Piranesi : Rome recorded : exhibitions in New York and Rome : april 1990, Italian Consulate for the American Academy in Rome, New York : october 1990, American Academy in Rome, Rome

Piranesi : Rome recorded : exhibitions in New York and Rome : april 1990, Italian Consulate for...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Piranesi : Rome recorded : exhibitions in New York and Rome : april 1990, Italian Consulate for the American Academy in Rome, New York : october 1990, American Academy in Rome, Rome / a complete edition of Giovanni Battista Piranesi's Vedute di Roma from the collection of the Arthur Ross foundation. - New York : A. Ross foundation, copyr. 1990. - 199 p. : ill. ; 28 cm

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BID: PUV0050920




Anno: 1990

Editore: A. Ross foundation


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