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Copertina di: Vascular plant families and genera : a listing of the genera of vascular plants of the world according to their families, as recognised in the Kew herbarium, with an analysis of relationships of the flowering plant families according to eight systems of classification

Vascular plant families and genera : a listing of the genera of vascular plants of the world...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Vascular plant families and genera : a listing of the genera of vascular plants of the world according to their families, as recognised in the Kew herbarium, with an analysis of relationships of the flowering plant families according to eight systems of classification / compiled by R. K. Brummitt. - Kew : Royal botanic gardens, 1992. - [6], 804 p. ; 25 cm.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0947643435 BID: MIL0175370




Anno: 1992

Editore: Royal botanic gardens


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