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Copertina di: 1: New fossils from the agglomeratic slate of Kashmir

1: New fossils from the agglomeratic slate of Kashmir

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Descrizione bibliografica

1: New fossils from the agglomeratic slate of Kashmir / by F.R. Cowper Reed. 2: Homoxylon Rajmahalense, gen. et sp. nov., a fossil angiospermous wood, devoid of vessels, from the Rajmahal hills, Behar / by B. Sahni. 3: A petrified Williamsonia (W. sewardiana, sp. nov.) from the Rajmahal hills, India / by B. Sahni. 4: The Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonites and Belemnites of the Attock district / by L. F. Spath. 5: The Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Gastropoda and Lamellibranchia of the Attock district / by L.R. Cox. 6: The Mesozoic Brachiopoda of the Attock district / by Helen M. Muir-Wood. - Calcutta ; Delhi : Government of India central publication branch, 1932-37. - 79, 19, 19, 39, 27 p., [27] c. di tav. : ill. ; 36 cm.

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  • Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Palaeontologia Indica | periodico
  • The Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Gastropoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Attock district | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (GEA0030957)
  • The Mesozoic Brachiopoda of the Attock district | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (GEA0030958)
  • Homoxylon Rajmahalense, gen. et sp. nov., a fossil angiospermous wood, devoid of vessels, from the Rajmahal Hills, Behar | titolo subordinato (TO01824670)
  • A petrified Williamsonia (W. sewardiana. sp. nov.) from the Rajmahal Hills, India | titolo subordinato (TO01824672)
  • The Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites and belemnites of the Attock District | titolo subordinato (TO01824673)

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: GEA0030956



Paese: INDIA

Anno: 1932

Editore: Government of India central publication branch


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