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27 Risultati trovati

Copepodi lagunari

Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1983

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Calanoidi : ( Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida)

Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, 1982

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Commensal and parasitic copepods associated with marine...

published for the Linnean society of London and the Estuarine and coastal sciences assocition by Uni, 1993

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Copepods parasitic on fishes : keys and notes for...

published for the Linnean society of London and the Estuarine and coastal science association by Uni, 1992

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Marine and brackish water harpacticoid copepods : keys...

published for the Linnean society of London and the Estuarine and coastal sciences association by Fi, 1996

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I copepodi della laguna veneta

Premiata societa cooperativa tipografica, 1912

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